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Fort Lauderdale Vet C-section

Scheduling a Fort Lauderdale Vet C-section

If your dog or cat is struggling with labor and delivery or has other emergency pregnancy complications, they might need an emergency Caesarian section. A c-section for your dog or cat might save both your pet’s life and those of their babies. At Fort Lauderdale animal hospital Family Pet Medical Center, our experienced veterinarians can preform a For Lauderdale vet c-section for both dogs and cats. Here’s what you need to know about the process and what to expect.

Canine C-Sections

Dogs are only pregnant for around 63 days. If your dog needs a c-section, it is only safe within a short, four-day window between 61 and 65 days. Labor is initiated when your dog’s body releases a surge of cortisol. There are three stages of labor in dogs, but complications can arise at any stage.

During stage one, your dog will show behavioral changes, including shivering, panting, or other symptoms of anxiety. This phase will last from six to 12 hours. After your dog’s cervix has dilated, labor will then move on to the second stage. If your doctor has not moved into the second stage within 12 hours, you should contact Family Pet Medical Center because an emergency c-section will be necessary.

During the second stage of labor, your dog will start delivering her puppies. YOu might see that she is straining as her contractions occur. A puppy should be delivered within an hour to two hours of the beginning of stage two. If your dog has not delivered any puppies within two hours, you should contact Fort Lauderdale animal hospital Family Pet Medical Center for an emergency c-section. Once your dog delivers a puppy, she will move into the third stage of labor during which she will deliver the placenta. This phase will begin between five to 15 minutes after delivering the puppy.

If your dog’s labor and the delivery process proceed normally, she will repeat the second and third phases for each of her puppies. Your dog might be delivering puppies for as long as four hours. If you know that your dog has more puppies but hasn’t delivered another one for more than four hours, you should take your dog to Family Pet Medical Center for treatment and a possible c-section to deliver the remaining puppies.

Signs of Complications

Some of the signs that your dog is suffering complications during delivery that should prompt you to seek emergency veterinary attention include the following:

  • Active pushing without delivering a puppy for 30 to 60 minutes
  • Pain, fever, vomiting, or a bloody discharge
  • Weak contractions for two or more hours without delivering a puppy

Elective C-Sections for Dogs

An elective c-section might be necessary under the following circumstances:

  • Delivery of only one puppy
  • Large puppies
  • Certain underlying health conditions

If your vet recommends an elective c-section, it will likely be scheduled within 24 hours of your dog’s due date.

What to Do Before Your Dog’s Elective C-Section

If your dog is scheduled for a c-section, do the following things to prepare:

  • Don’t use any flea or tick treatments for one week before the scheduled date.
  • Put an Adaptil collar on your dog three days before the scheduled c-section.
  • Don’t feed your dog the morning of the c-section.
  • Bathe your dog one to two days before the surgery.
  • Tell your vet about your dog’s medications to find out if you should stop administering them.

Make sure to bring a large crate for your dog and a tarp to cover your seats. A heating pad is also a good idea so that you can keep the puppies warm when you bring them home.

What to Expect

You should arrive between one to two hours before your dog’s planned c-section. Your vet will shave your dog’s abdomen, wrap her tail to keep it clean and insert an IV catheter. They will also perform a vaginal examination to look for signs of labor and might perform an ultrasound or x-ray. They will then administer anesthesia to your dog and perform the c-section in the hospital’s surgical suite.

After you bring your dog and her puppies home, you will need to monitor them carefully. Follow your veterinarian’s instructions, and call Family Pet Medical Center if any problems arise.

Feline C-Sections

In a feline c-section, your veterinarian will surgically remove your cat’s unborn kittens from her uterus. Feline c-sections typically will be performed when your cat suffers complications during delivery. In most cases, a feline c-section will be an emergency rather than an elective surgery. However, some breeds, including Persians, are prone to difficult births and might have elective c-sections.

If you want, you can also ask your vet to spay your cat following her c-section to prevent future pregnancies.

When Is a Feline C-Section Necessary?

Your veterinarian might perform several tests to determine whether a Fort Lauderdale vet c-section might be necessary. They might digitally palpitate the vaginal area to check for pelvic abnormalities and fetal sizes. They might try to manually remove the kittens without surgery. However, if your cat’s pelvis is too narrow to deliver her kittens, or the kittens are too large, your vet might recommend an emergency c-section.

Your veterinarian might evaluate the kittens’ sizes, locations, and numbers with an abdominal radiograph. They might also perform an ultrasound to evaluate whether the kittens are in distress. If the kittens are overly large or are showing signs of distress, your vet might recommend an emergency c-section.

What to Expect

Your vet will perform a c-section if other steps to help your cat deliver naturally have failed. Your vet will shave your cat’s abdomen and administer anesthesia before performing the surgery. They will make an incision in your cat’s abdomen to remove the kittens. The kittens that survive will be allowed to nurse once your cat is out of surgery.

Once you return home with your cat and her kittens, you will need to keep them indoors so that your cat can safely heal. Keep your cat from engaging in too much activity. Monitor your cat’s incision to check for swelling, discharge, or redness. Don’t allow your cat to lick the incision. You can place a neck collar around your cat’s neck to keep her from doing so if necessary.

Contact the Premier Fort Lauderdale Animal Hospital

If your dog or cat is suffering complications with labor or delivery, call Family Pet Medical Center immediately for help. We can assist your pet with delivering their puppies or kittens. If necessary, we can perform a c-section. Call us today at (954) 567-2500.